Welcome to my private medical practice for multimodal pain management
What does that mean?
I am an approved and examined medical doctor and an expert in the treatment of all kinds of painful states concerning body and mind.
The emphasis lies on non-pharmacologic therapies.
The multimodal, integrative concept includes also other (stress)diseases - for example tinnitus, stomach disturbance, sleeping disorder, heart burn, cardiac problems....
My education and training is suitable for all ages - children and adults.
I´m looking forward to your call!
Understanding pain
Learn how to become your own pain expert
All kinds of chronic pain can be treated without the use of strong and addictive medication
most of the time we have to treat the chronic stress disorder first
Find out about what kind of pain you are suffering from and what makes it worse
stress and anxiety increase pain in different parts of the body
Let`s work on individual solutions
multimodal and including your own special ressources
to feel safe and comfortable again within your body
Goal: more quality in life, more good than bad days
Pain Education
Knowledge is the biggest pain liberator
To understand why you are hurting, what makes it worse and what you can do about it
The multimodal, integrative concept fits not only when it is about pain
classic medical examination and therapy meets naturopathy, gentle bodywork, personal training, acupuncture and mental training methods
The multimodal, integrative concept works even with other diseases like stress disorders, sleeping problems, tinnitus...
medical hypnosis
according to medical studies, mental techniques, using the neuroplasticity of the brain, make a difference
The first appointment
Concerning complex, maybe long lasting suffering from different states of pain, it is important to follow a standardized procedure - so that important details must not be overlooked